Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Oz adventure begins ....

 So we have finally arrived in Cairns, Qld. Beginning with very tearful goodbyes at home and then at the airport. So we left London on a 10 hour flight to Bangkok. Stop over in Bangkok was boiling,around 38c and we didn't even get the chance to leave the airport.  Followed by another 10 hours to Sydney and a further 3 hour domestic flight up to Cairns. Pretty much 24 hours of solid flying or time spent in various airports. We have completely lost a day of our lives somewhere in the sky!!
However we passed the time by playing guess the nationality of fellow travellers. A harmless fun game and im sure everyone secretly does it, and with our lack of tan il bet we wern't hard to guess!!  Some of the travellers hitting Oz after Asia made it particularly fun adorning baggy trousers with various animals on - on my count the elephant was the most popular!

Sooo we left sunny Sydney to be greeted by what can only be describe as monsoon like rain in Cairns. No photos to post yet im afraid (blame the rain) but fingers crossed we will see some sun in the 'Sunshine state' or we will be leaving rainy Cairns sooner than anticipated in search of getting at least a bit of a tan!However the heat and humidity here is shocking, think both me and jam are going to be cursed with the big untamable frizzy hair.haha. Watch this space for some photos......  

Laters x

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